I have a friend who loves to run. And camp. Not just a little. Her face lights up a room the second you ask her about either of those hobbies. A face shining with pure joy.
But for me? Running? Camping? Pretty much the stuff of my nightmares!
I have another friend who loves to clean. And would buy 25 pairs of cheap shoes before buying a single nice pair. Joy from scrubbing and joy from So. Many. Shoe. Options. in that closet!
But for me? I do many things well… cleaning is not one. (I hire help so I can stay married in that department!) And shoes? I have a few, very weird, typically pink shoes all made by my favorite – John Fluevog!
But these differences don’t ruin friendships.
These same friends don't mind that I love to meet strangers and dance in public. (I hear that is the nightmare for other people!)
So we all share our diverse and creative perspectives, and occasionally try new things. (Except cleaning. No one is perfect!)
I love the pool for the same reasons. Every summer we get a pass, and as a trade off for the ‘homeschool mom’ hat I wear most of the year, I hit the pool like it is a serious part time job!
And I LOVE the people watching. So many shapes and sizes and colors of people. Old and young and strong and frail. People comfortable in their suits, and those who are shy. People swimming like fish and people sitting on the sides the whole day instead.
I see the beauty in every single one. The way they smile or laugh or hug their babies. The way the leap forward with concern if a kid is struggling. The way they leap forward if their kid is the naughty one, too. They bring laughter and comradery to my life - especially the ones with strong willed kiddos like mine!
It really does make my Florida heart feel like home. The heat. The humidity. The ice pops and the rainbows of bikinis. The family and friends.
Maybe what makes it feel like home isn’t the place at all. People watching. People celebrating.
Celebrating people.
Wait. That is what I do! In the hot sun or my air-conditioned studio, I feel most myself celebrating you.
So what are you celebrating this summer? A personal triumph? Promotion? A growing family? An aging one you want to treasure?
I have always found the beauty around me, but I would love to find the beauty in you.
That alone is a reason to celebrate.
with joy,
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